Friday, 14 June 2013

Shia Azaan (Call for Prayers) and Shia Iqaama (Set up for Prayers)

Azaan/ Adhan (Call for Prayers) is recited before Iqaama (Set up for Prayers), they are usually made when time for Salah/ Namaz/ Prayers have set in. Muslim sects differs slightly in their formats, even with compulsion/ weight-age each sentence carry, same happens with different Shia centers, following is conventional Shia Azaan.

Prophet Mohammed ordered Azaan after his migration to Madina, the person who delivers azaan is called 'Muezzin', first Muezzin of Islam was Bilal s/o Ribah who was a faithful companion/ Sahaabi of Prophet Mohammed. After the event of Ghadeer (Announcement of Ali's vice-regency), Salman Persian another faithful companion/ Sahaabi of Prophet Mohammed delivered azaan, this time he is reported to have recited: Ash'hadu anna Aliyyun Wali'allah (I testify Ali is Vicegerent of God). People instantly took objection and Prophet Mohammed himself made them know that this was exactly what he had announced just then.

Shia do not add sentences like, 'Prayer is better than sleep/ Assalaatu khaerum min an naum' in dawn azaan/ prayer's call because they were added by Umar s/o Khattab the second caliph during his reign but he did not had any authority to do so. Umar s/o Khattab is also noted in Shia history to have removed 'Hayya alaa khaeril a'mal/ Hasten towards best activity' for abrupt reasons. Shia also do not have any extra azaan on friday which again was an innovation, this time by Uthman s/o Affan third caliph during his reign.

Conventional Shia Azaan (Call for Prayers):

1 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
2 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
3 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
4 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
5 Ash'hadu an laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(I testify none is deity except God)
6 Ash'hadu an laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(I testify none is deity except God)
7 Ash'hadu anna Mohammadur Rasulallah 
(I testify Mohammed is Messenger of God)
8 Ash'hadu anna Mohammadur Rasulallah 
(I testify Mohammed is Messenger of God)
9 Ash'hadu anna Aliyyun Wali'allah 
(I testify Ali is Vicegerent of God)
10 Ash'hadu anna Aliyyun Hujjatullah 
(I testify Ali is Ambassador of God)
11 Hayya alas salaah 
(Hasten towards prayers)
12 Hayya alas salaah 
(Hasten towards prayers)
13 Hayya alal falaah 
(Hasten towards success)
14 Hayya alal falaah  
(Hasten towards success)
15 Hayya alaa khaeril a'mal 
(Hasten towards best activity)
16 Hayya alaa khaeril a'mal 
(Hasten towards best activity)
17 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
18 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
19 Laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(None is deity except God)
20 Laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(None is deity except God)

Iqaama (Set up for Prayers) is recited just when Salah/ Namaz/ Prayers is about to be started. In Congregational prayers/ Jama'at people continue to sit until the sentence 'Qad iqaamatis salaah/ Stand for Prayers' are said, people then stand to make rows for prayers.

Conventional Shia Iqama (Set up for Prayers)

1 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
2 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
3 Ash'hadu an laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(I testify none is deity except God)
4 Ash'hadu an laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(I testify none is deity except God)
5 Ash'hadu anna Mohammadur Rasulallah 
(I testify Mohammed is Messenger of God)
6 Ash'hadu anna Mohammadur Rasulallah 
(I testify Mohammed is Messenger of God)
7 Ash'hadu anna Aliyyun Wali'allah 
(I testify Ali is Vicegerent of God)
8 Ash'hadu anna Aliyyun Hujjatullah 
(I testify Ali is Ambassador of God)
9 Hayya alas salaah 
(Hasten towards prayers)
10 Hayya alas salaah 
(Hasten towards prayers)
11 Hayya alal falaah 
(Hasten towards success)
12 Hayya alal falaah  
(Hasten towards success)
13 Hayya alaa khaeril a'mal 
(Hasten towards best activity)
14 Hayya alaa khaeril a'mal 
(Hasten towards best activity)
15 Qad iqaamatis salaah 
(Stand for Prayers)
16 Qad iqaamatis salaah 
(Stand for Prayers)
17 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
18 Allahu Akbar 
(God is Greatest)
19 Laa ilaaha ill Allah 
(None is deity except God)

In Salatul Eid/ festival prayers and Salat Janaza/ funeral prayers Azaan and Iqaama are not said, just three times 'Assalaat (the prayers)' are said loudly.

Shia rules also require Azaan to be recited in right ear and Iqaama to be recited in left ear of new born child, when the child is born.

Oh Allah! Peace and Salutation be upon Mohammed and House-hold of Mohammed.